Sunday, October 9, 2016

Chapter 5: Truth

            Through my life has been filled with struggles that I can barely explain how hard they are to even write about let alone speak about. I have had things done to me that were absolutely deplorable and the people responsible should rot in hell for all eternity. I know that my language is strong but only those who have experienced true trauma true hurt true pain inflicted upon you viciously repeated again and again will than you realize our contempt for these perpetrators. Who thought of nothing but themselves and only of their pleasure and power and they watched us suffer under their control, as we suffered and are still suffering a piece of our soul begins to get smaller and smaller till it is just an ember glowing slowly in the corner of our souls. For some this ember represents the last bit of unanimity they have left. For other this ember can represent all the love the person has left to give after such an incident that destroyed her once roaring fire. The ember may represent a depression that just starts as an ember and grows into a flame of utter despair till it is a roaring fire of emptiness. These are what our attackers want us to feel, like we were nothing, but that cycle needs to end these embers though similar are different in every one person. and for every person it can take a long road to recovery and some more than others. Though so called people who think they’re better than everyone else simple because of some self-lacking they have in themselves it needs to stop. And those who have been attacked and are still alive with us today we must  put an end to this violence we need to speak up and not be afraid of these persons for they are nothing more than dust in the wind blowing through the earth never leaving a mark and we must become strong like steel to stand forever that nothing and no one will ever hurt us and only by the sweet hands of white head we be able to bend back to our true selves never to forget the horrible memories but instead let them make you stronger so that nothing and no one will ever take a piece of your soul again.
Below you will find  a link to a photo of surviors of sexual assult standing on stage with lady GaGa on stage during one of her performances.

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